Started by a Property owner to benefit other property owners!
Our simple and transparent pricing maximizes property owners returns, no hidden fees, mark-ups, or long term contracts.
Every aspect of our operation is designed to maximize owner returns and free up your valuable time! Trust us on that...if not 100% happy cancel anytime. But we don't stop there...
The best for a reason!
Making “Properties” …“Homes”:
Every property is a home to a very important person. Our tenants are also our valued clients and we make to provide the best possible support to out tenants to encourage tenants to see their “property” as their “home”. People tend to take pride in ownership regardless if they own the home, when it “feels” like home. We understand this relationship and take pride in our work! Many of tenants only stay/move within the Scott Realty network, a fact we are proud of…
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