Horizon Resources’ property maintenance services are an extension of our property management services; you may engage us for both tasks, or you might contract our maintenance and landscape department to care for your property. We have taken years to develop and train our team, and equip them with the best tools to care for our most valuable asset: the properties that our tenants depend on for their business!
Our Maintenance and Landscape Team is here to assist you! With a combined experience of over 50 years there is no task we cannot handle. From simple repairs and upkeep to complete remodels and renovations – we are happy to assist you, or provide a consultation to help you make a plan for your property repairs.
We realize, as surely you do, too, that the way you maintain your property is going to have a direct effect on its value, which includes your ability to attract and keep tenants. Our expertise allows us to drill a bit deeper, to understand your property and know how certain elements are going to influence value so we can make recommendations about scheduling major and minor maintenance.
The relationships we have with numerous local vendors are also of great benefit to our property management clients. We’re often able to quickly secure replacement parts and equipment—when other companies would be told “no way” and it’s not unusual for us to be able to get loaners in the event a critical function (like air conditioning) goes down and can’t be addressed immediately.
We look forward to assisting you with any of your commercial real estate needs. Contact the Horizon team of maintenance experts and let us know how we can help.
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